XCENT ASP Diagnostic Script Version 3.1.2

ASP Server Information
Item Information
Server Nameteeclub.com
Script Name/CMS/XcDiag.asp
Server ProtocolHTTP/1.1
Path Info/CMS/XcDiag.asp
Path TranslatedD:\Websites\www.teeclub.com\CMS\XcDiag.asp
Server DateTime2/24/2025 8:08:14 AM
VBScript Engine Version5.8
VBScript Engine Build23707
Components on this Server
Component Type Installed Req Opt Information
AlphaSierraPapa AspTearHTTPYes X 
AspHelp Simple UploadUploadNo X 
AspSmart aspSmartMailEmailNo*  
AspSmart aspSmartUploadUploadNo X 
DevGuru dgChargeMPOPNo X 
Dimac JMailEmailNo*  
Dundas UploadUploadNo X 
Microsoft Ad RotatorMisc.Yes X 
Microsoft ADODBData Access2.8X The current version of MDAC/ADO can be download from www.microsoft.com/data/.
Microsoft CDONTSEmailNo* See FAQ Article 26
Microsoft CDOSYSEmailYes*  
Microsoft CountersMisc.No X 
Microsoft FileSystemFSOYesX Application can work with files in the same folder as XcDiag is running from.
Microsoft RegExpMisc.YesX  
Microsoft ServerXMLHTTPHTTPYes X 
Persits AspEmailEmailYes* Expires 9/9/9999
Persits AspJpegImaging2.0.0.0 XExpires 9/9/9999
Persits AspUploadUploadYes X 
ServerObjects AspImageImaging2.31 X 
ServerObjects AspHTTPHTTP3.53 X 
ServerObjects AspMailEmail4.11* ASPMail component appears to actually be AspQmail.
SoftArtisans SA-FileUpUploadNo X 
SoftArtisans SmtpMailEmailNo X 
Verisign PayFlowProVSOPYes X 
WebSupergoo ABCUploadUploadNo X 
WorldPay Select COMVSOPNo X 
XCENT XUDToolsMisc.No X 
Note: a * in the Required column denotes that one of the supported components of this type is required.
Note: an X  in the Optional column denotes that this particular or type of component is not required for the basic operation of the application. But certain optional or advanced features in the application will require it to enable the feature.
Summary Information and Recommendations
Item Information
Microsoft ADODB/JETIf there are JET databases being used on this server, it is recommended to make absolutely sure the very latest Microsoft JET libraries are installed. See FAQ Article 336
Email ComponentThis web server appears to have at least one supported email component installed.
Upload ComponentThis web server appears to have at least one upload component installed. You may need to verify if the application you want to use supports the upload component that is installed.
Imaging ComponentThis web server appears to have at least one imaging component installed. You may need to verify if the application you want to use supports the imaging component that is installed.
HTTP ComponentThis web server appears to have at least one HTTP component installed. You may need to verify if the application you want to use supports the HTTP component that is installed.
VSOP ComponentThis server has at least one supported Vendor Specific Online Processing component installed. See FAQ Article 338.
MPOP ComponentThis server does not have any supported Multipurpose Online Processing components installed. See FAQ Article 338.
Minimum RequirementsThis web server seems to meet the minimum requirements for most XCENT web server applications.

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